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Freedom Fibre raises over £2000 for Cash for Kids Mission Christmas

Over the Christmas period, Freedom Fibre raised money to support Cash for Kids Mission Christmas with Hits Radio. We set a target of £2000 and raised £2120.05.

We hoped to make a real difference to the lives of children and young people at Christmas. Freedom Fibre donated £10 to Cash for Kids for every customer that was connected to our network between 22nd November and the 24th December and we were proud to see our staff and suppliers also contributing towards the target as well as donating gifts for local children at our offices in Irlam.

Cash for Kids’ mission is to improve the lives of disadvantaged children and young people in our communities who are affected by poverty, illness, neglect or have additional needs. The charity used our donation to purchase and distribute Christmas gifts for local children living in poverty.

It’s so sad to know that 1 in 3 children in Greater Manchester are living in poverty and are experiencing hardship more than ever before. Covid-19 has directly affected unemployment levels and household incomes; having devastating effects on families. For so many families, Christmas was a luxury they just could not afford, that’s why we wanted to support Cash for Kids Mission Impossible. By helping to provide gifts for these children, we hoped they would still be able to believe in the magic of Christmas.

Collectively, Cash for Kids raised over £1.1million worth of gifts locally, which were sorted and delivered to 35,482 children across Greater Manchester in time for Christmas morning! Across the whole of the UK, £13,805,560 was raised, totalling gifts for 288,715 children.

The families were so thankful to have received gifts from Mission Christmas, some of their heart-warming comments are below.

The presents this year were amazing, especially the teenagers’ gifts. They were very pleased with it. One of the young lads looked shocked and happy at the same time, and he said, “how did you know what I want”. That lad struggles to show feeling, but he was very happy, and he couldn't hide it.
“I can’t believe people can be so kind, I thought this happened to other people not the likes of me and my son. Thank you so much – you don’t know how grateful I am. I don’t feel that I have let my boy down now.”
“I didn’t know what I was going to do. I hate that I can’t buy my kids the things that other children have but I can’t thank the people who donate enough for their kindness. It will be so good to see their faces on Christmas morning, I can’t wait.”
Before I received the donations from Cash for Kids, I really wasn’t looking forward to Christmas. I lost my job due to COVID and I’ve really been struggling financially. I know it’s not all about the presents, but it was really getting me down. The gifts we received were amazing, the smiles on my children’s faces on Christmas morning, is something I will never forget
All Mikey wanted for Christmas was Lego and there was no way his mum could afford it. When we were able to provide it, this is what her message was “How could I tell Mikey that the one thing he wanted was the thing I couldn’t afford, how could I let him down after everything we have been through, then just like a miracle there it was there in a bag ready for me to give him along with other stuff, thank you so much, you have no idea what this meant to me.”

It’s not too late to spread a little extra Christmas joy, you can still donate to help support and provide grants for disadvantaged children in 2022. Click here for more information

Freedom Fibre

Northbank House,

Siemens Rd, Irlam,

Manchester M44 5AH

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